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Ontario G1 Road Signs Marathon

Ontario Driver's Licence
Based on the Official Driver's Handbook
Questions: 100
Mistakes allowed: 0
Pass mark: 100%
Official ON G1 Test: What to Expect
How many questions:20+20
How many correct answers to pass:16+16
Pass mark:80%
Ontario driving licence
UK driving licence.

Complete this G1 practice test marathon, and you can be sure that you know what road signs in Ontario are all about! There are no losers and no passing scores in this Marathon: it was built to ensure that you learn those road signs! Please be advised that this marathon test will NOT show you the correct answer if you make a mistake. The system will just remember that you got it wrong and will show you that question again at some later point, and again, and again – until you finally provide the correct answer. This is the specific algorithm of our all marathon tests. The test won’t stop, either, until you answer 100% of questions correctly.
If — at any point — you feel that you need to practice in a more controlled environment, you are encouraged to go back to our regular tests: every time you make a mistake, the system marks your answer as wrong and prompts you the correct answer, complemented by an explanation of why it is so.
Hope this helps and happy studying!

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